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Lessons from the Treadmill

I'm not necessarily a fan of the treadmill, although, I have one and I do use it. If given a choice however, to run outside or on a treadmill, I will always pick the great outdoors. Unless of course the outside temp reaches below 28 degrees. That seems to be the cut off for me of late. And today my weather app told me it was 3. THREE! DEGREES! Needless to say I didn't have to think about it for even a split second. Treadmill it is. Even Annie, after a record speed trip to potty outback, seemed perfectly content with this. It's cold!

I hadn't been able to run for a few days because my knee was bothering me. The last time I did run was outside and it was beautiful. Somewhere in the 40's. Funny how I now consider that semi warm. Running for me is sort of a lifeline. I do get that runners high people talk about, it clears my head and gives me the time alone with God that I need to refocus. And of course, being a lover of chocolate; the calorie burn is a bonus. I know I'm not always going to be able to run like I do and in fact, I am slowing down quite a bit. Maybe that's why I want to take every opportunity to get out there ( or on the treadmill) while I still can.

Sometimes I watch a message online, listen to music or watch a movie on Netflix. Something to get my mind off the Dreadmill. It always amazes me how after a few days off, I'm actually stronger than if I had run the day before. I found the time flew by and I could even keep going.  It's like my body appreciated the break. Imagine that, the body refreshed from recovery performs better. Who knew?  I've heard about this but typically only listen to it when I'm injured and forced to rest. Ah, rest, it does a body good. What I learned today on my treadmill is that rest does well for the soul too. 

Winter for me seems to be a season of rest. Most plants and shrubs go dormant, the grass stops growing, lakes and ponds become solid and many animals go into hibernation. Ironically, on a day of 3 degrees where I am surrounded by all of the above;  I feel like I'm coming out of my Spiritual Winter. I've been at a place of rest for several months now. In my opinion, it's been a forced rest, sort of like an injury sidelining me from running, forcing me to be still and rest. It has left me feeling a bit dormant at times and even given me that sense of hibernating. Often times, in my impatience; I've wanted to jump out and run and God has said " Connie, I need you to rest". Thankfully,  He is very patient with me waiting for me to truly rest in Him. Waiting  on Him and His perfect timing. I love the fact that He leads me to rest, He makes me rest even if it's painful because He knows I need to. He knows the journey that lies ahead that will require great strength to go the distance. Therefore, He knows that rest for me is essential. 

It's been good, this season of rest in my Spiritual Winter state and He has taught me to truly trust in Him and His timing. I'm not a patient person when it comes to resting so this hasn't been easy and I have fought back on many occasions. But now, as I am seeing the seeds He has planted for me here begin to bud I have a renewed sense of purpose for what He has called me to do. It's different of course from my norm but then again,  I'm getting used to that too. It's ok  that   "everything is different", after all isn't that growth? 

So, as I learned today on my treadmill that a season of rest is good for the soul, it also brings strength. Strength for the miles ahead to become a little bit stronger, maybe a little bit quicker or perhaps even a little bit wiser in the choices I make to go the distance. God knows that I make poor choices when I'm exhausted or restless so rest also gives me the wisdom I need to make better choices in the moment for the future. 

 Coming out of this season of rest I can look ahead, down the path that God is leading me on with great purpose, anticipation and excitement for this next leg of my journey. Wherever He is taking me, I know that He has prepared me for it, given me the proper time of rest for my heart, mind and soul.

-Pressing On

Psalm 23:2-3 "He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name's sake."

Psalm 62:5 " Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him."


  1. Love your blog Connie and I have missed your wisdom and insight on life through the lens of Scripture, so this is a way to get little nuggets from time to time. God has brought me to a season of rest as well, and I also struggle to be here. So thankful that He is faithful to lead us and meet all our needs - knowing us better than we know ourselves. Blessings :) Nancy Ebarb

    1. Thank you for your sweet words of encouragement Nancy! I sure miss all of you too! Yes, He is faithful! And He will see you through. I love that He has great purpose in all that He does. Hang in there. ❤️


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