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Trouble Maker in Training

I knew it would just be a matter of time before we got another dog. It has been a little over a year since we had to put Molly, our lovable yellow lab down and I have missed her so much. Growing up with a dog and having a dog in the home most of my adult life, it has been so quiet in the house without one. We had various reasons to wait as you can imagine over this past year. Between moving across country , traveling back and forth, not wanting to train a puppy in the snow and then of course moving again. Now that we are feeling settled in our new home in Boston, it was time. Although, I was beginning to get a little obsessive and become highly meticulous toward our new place. You know, keeping the place clean and then freaking out that granola crumbs got on the floor. Or, I had just fluffed the cushions on the sofa or wiped down the sink and someone flatted those cushions out and splashed water all over the counter and mirror. A dog would only add to that anxiety, especially with the wood floor and new carpet. But I realized that I don't want to live that way. Food is to be eaten, cushions are, for just that; to be smashed down to provide comfort and this is where we live, it should have signs of life. I want to enjoy life not just simply admire it.  And let's face it,  life is better with a dog. 

We had looked into a couple of breeds. I found an adorable boxer that was available on the day I called. They told me at 8:30 that morning they were waiting for the vet to check her out and give her clearance and for me to call back around 1:00. I got a little tied up and called back at 3:00. They said sorry, someone already scooped her up. I was surprised how disappointed I was. But I figured God must have a better one for us. We still invested in a crate. I think that was Jim's way of closing the deal with me before I could refocus on the new carpet and change my mind. I asked him about the local paper he reads everyday if they advertise in the classified ads. Do they still have those? Sure enough Saturday morning he just so happen to find a breeder down the road from us who just so happen to have five chocolate lab pups available. As we were heading out to just look, Jim tossed the checkbook in my purse " just in case". 

 We walked into that backyard and saw the pen of pups crawling all over each other, bottoms wagging and so excited to see us. I knew I was done and now it was just a matter of which one to choose? It was a difficult decision. We didn't want the trouble maker of the bunch or the runt, although she was super cute too. Seriously though, aren't all puppies cute and aren't they all trouble makers? The breeder had let them all out of their pen so we could play with them, watch them interact and take our pick.  Jim looked at me and shrugged and said " you pick they are all adorable" we had narrowed  it down to two and it was just then that this sweet one had come running back to me again and sat at my feet. I said, " Ok, this one, this is the third time she has come back to me. I think she likes me. We'll take this one." 

 We came up with the name Annie from the little girl in the movie, Family Man. For starters, we love that movie and the little girl is adorable. She also talks with what could be a Boston accent.... " welcomb to Uth". So came the name Annie Rice for our newest family member and it just seems to fit her.  She is the sweetest thing ever. She sleeps through the night in her crate, loves her play toys, bounces through the house at record speed and slides across the wood floor on her belly like Bambi on ice. She lays at my feet, gives wet puppy kisses,  bites too much, wants to chew on everything, eats the mulch in the side yard, has peed and  pooped on the new carpet and is a full blown trouble maker. She is exactly what this house needed. It's like the house has come to life, blankets and chew toys laying around, spilled water in the pantry and the sound of the door chime when Jim walks in from work causes her to stop whatever she is doing and thump across the floor to welcome him home. She loves life and we love her. Not surprisingly at all, God is using her to teach me a few things as well.

Jim calls this her condo. It's her safe place! 

Annie plays hard and sleeps hard. That's her in the top right corner.

As I am training her to be obedient, it is because of my love for her, that I want what is best for her. I want to protect her, keep her safe and out of trouble. We live in the woods with critters where she can get hurt. If she runs out past our property line she can get lost or hit by a car. If she ruins the tassels on Jim's good work shoes her life span is sure to get shorter. It's in her best interest to stick close to me. To follow me and come to me when I say " Annie, come here". Eating mulch, as tempting and as tasty as it might be, will make her sick, eating Jim's shoe tassels might bring her short term happiness but it will most certainly get her a stern disciplinary action, and wandering off will be dangerous and harmful.

I  can't help but think of how God, in His love for me; wants my obedience. Not to compare myself to a dog but, He chose me to be one of His children. He wants what is best for me because He loves me so much. He has an incredible life for me to be lived to the fullest, not just simply admired from a far, with everything in its place.  I too, am a full blown trouble maker and need His discipline. It is in my best interest to stick close to Him, to follow Him and do what He tells me to do. The tempting mulch ( so to speak) I want to eat will make me sick. The shoe tassels I want to chew on that might bring me temporary happiness won't  last. There are consequences to my bad behavior, He needs to discipline me so that I don't wander away from Him.  I'm thankful He is so very loving and patient with me, that when I do, He gently but firmly says "Connie, come here." it's my choice to follow or to wander off on my own.  He always honors my obedience. He blesses me more than I deserve. Oh, if only I could just stay at His feet! He is using this sweet little trouble maker to show me more and more of what following Him looks like. 

- Pressing On 

Then Jesus said to his disciples, “If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. (Matthew 16:24 NLT)

The LORD leads with unfailing love and faithfulness all who keep his covenant and obey his demands. (Psalms 25:10 NLT)

My child, don’t reject the LORD’s discipline, and don’t be upset when he corrects you. For the LORD corrects those he loves, just as a father corrects a child in whom he delights. (Proverbs 3:11-12 NLT)


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