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Showing posts from 2022

Woods and Deserts

  A dear friend of mine in Houston posted a photo of her daughter and friend walking either to or from school. At least that is what I assumed. It was a great picture of friendship shared between these two young teens. I recognized the path in the Woodlands. I’ve always loved the woods and that’s one of the many reasons why I loved living there. The massive trees, smell of bark, the rustling sound of fallen leaves and the warmth of the sun peeking through those shade covering trees. Nature is one of my favorite places to connect with God. I had many conversations with Him running on those paths.   I messaged my friend, “Ah. I miss those paths.” And she quickly replied with, “The paths miss you.” Haha. I think what she really meant was….. I am missed and it made my heart smile. I miss a lot about various places we have lived over the years. I am often asked, “Of all the places you have lived, where is your favorite?” My response is usually, “I have favorite things about eac...

RBJ and a Barf Bag

  It’s been thirty years since I got breast implants. Having birthed and nursed two babies my boobs were left looking like tube socks sporting tennis balls in each one dangling from my chest. At twenty-eight years old, living in the world that put so much importance on outward appearance, I thought that I needed enhancement to feel better about myself. Looking back, maybe it did serve its purpose for a while. But, I was never truly comfortable with them. They were larger than I wanted and I’m fairly modest so I don’t like the attention I thought they brought in my younger years. Shopping for clothes, especially swimsuits has always been a challenge for me. All those cute summer dresses made me look pregnant and bras were very uncomfortable. I’m not anti-plastic surgery, implants or whatever. I’m just older and in a different stage in life and view things from a more Godly perspective now that I seek His ways for my life. I’ve known for several years that the implants in my body nee...