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Showing posts from March, 2020

26 days Later

I’m on day 26 of my 30 day detox from social media. A lot has happened in twenty six days.  I had made the decision for this 30 day experiment when I found myself habitually gravitating to my phone and absentmindedly clicking on my Instagram App throughout the day. I am not sure when or even how I allowed this device to consume most of my day but it had and I knew I needed to make a change. Starting with the amount of time I spent scrolling. So it was just days before the toilet paper hoarding began that I had logged off of my social media sites. I guess you could call it Social Distancing in a way. I can’t say it was easy. In fact, like any other habit it had many challenges in my breaking it. I had serious  FOMO for the first week or so. What would I be missing and would others miss me? I doubt it but it’s a nice thought.   It has been a very freeing experience. I’m embarrassed to admit that in some ways I feel like I got my life back. I am connecting more...