This week has been an overwhelming home coming. My husband and I were talking about how often we have moved, but here in Arizona, it feels like home. We put roots down here nearly 19 years ago, raised the kids here and it is where we all met Jesus. It’s only natural that it would feel like home every time I came to visit over the last five years. When we moved away, we had plans to come back when we retired. That was going to be a long span but that was always the goal. I knew when we left Arizona it was God’s plan. He made it so clear. However, it wasn’t easy. Following Jesus is so simple but rarely easy. I’ve learned to embrace the difficult even though on most given days, I’d prefer to choose easy. Last weekend, after a very long and tiring two plus days driving, that Arizona State line sign was a sight for sore eyes. I remember when we first moved to Arizona from California. I did not want to move. In fact, it was one of the most difficult moves I had to make. I...