Annie gets restless if I don’t get her out to run at least a few times a week. I often wonder how long I will be able to keep up. My hips, knees and joints scream in protest that first mile until they warm up. She starts off faster than I like but after a couple of miles we will typically fall into a groove and run along at a compromising pace. Unless of course we see a squirrel or cat. Then I’m doomed. The other day we got out earlier than normal. Young kids were waiting at various corners for their school bus to pick them up. I love those times. I love watching the kids impatiently waiting and playing games with each other. Mom’s hanging out, coffee in hand. It just makes me smile. We had just ran past one of these bus stops with several kiddos. Annie was doing great and staying focused when out of nowhere a little fluffy, yapping dog comes chasing us. This thing was small enough to run between Annie’s legs. Instead it just ran right up to her, barked and shot in another directio...