I just love everything about this shirt. I bought it a little over a year ago. I adore the woman who created this company and wanted to show my love and support by purchasing her product. Then I fell in love with the feel and bought another and even some as gifts. It's not so much the quality of the fabric or even my supporting my friend who owns the company. I love, love love the message "Wear Love, put in on, wear it out." What a great idea. We are told to love our neighbor as ourselves and let's face it, we all love ourselves. I think that's why God instructs us to love others like that. Not everyone is easy to love but those are usually the ones who need it the most. I know I can be difficult to love at times. I'm sure my hubby could agree. Sometimes I just get so focused on loving myself, making sure I'm comfortable, that my needs and wants are being met. I forget about loving others. I get up and go about my day not thinking or asking God how He ...