I did a little Netflix binge watching last night on one of my favorite shows. Jim was out of town so I splurged. It is one of those shows that has real life issues, drama that is sometimes bittersweet and often some tough stuff. I cry on every single episode and my husband just does not understand why I like it. I try to explain as I am slobbering all over the sleeve of my shirt, since the Kleenex is clear across the room and I don't want to miss one single thing to go get a tissue. I love that stuff and will cry even harder when I finish the series. Fortunately, at my age; I can start all over and it will be new again. There was a scene on one of the episodes between an uncle and his niece. He was trying to encourage her to go after what she saw as impossible. A college interview that seemed so far out of her league and her reach. Somewhere, in her short life so far, she had convinced herself that she was a failure, that she had messed up so much she couldn't possibly la...