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Showing posts from December, 2014

What A Gift

This is that time of year I typically reflect on all that has happened in our lives over the past year. As I look though my photos on my phone I am blown away of the places we have been ( even lived for a short while) and the people we have met and/or reconnected with along the way. What a gift!  I know I can push back a little on the uncertainties of the future here on earth. I can complain about things not going my way or wishing  A. B. Or C had never changed. But life is about progress and its a process. I am a work in progress. As I look back I can't help but think...... If that hadn't happened way back then, this won't have happened as it did. I can then see clearly, God's hand in all of it. Even those very difficult times when I didn't get my way. To which I can now say "phew! I'm so glad I didn't get my way in that." What a gift from God!  My brother-in-law posted the sweetest video of our sons birth in honor of his 27th birthday. I remember...